Monday, June 08, 2009


i feel my blog is kinda happy, gonna change it to a bit more emo style.
gonna change the whole layout..yish yish yish
i seriously don't understand why people trying so hard to penetrate others' group?
why do we need to entertain people like a bloody clown?
come on la get a life.
don't you think yourself are running the risks of being exposed as a fake?
we no need the acceptable of others. focus on your self-confidence!
somehow people love to judge you without knowing you well and giving you such thing "wa!i hate your attitude wei!"
wth...who the hell you think you are?
they always think they're perfect but the truth is they have personality that even worst than a shit!
i don't give a damn about those people but i do care because they are so wrong!
*treat people the way you want people to treat you.
somehow you randomly gave me those bad rude slutty attitude and you expect i will talk to you politely?
is a extreme way to threaten the bond between each other.
there is a major difference between us
i don't speak like a slut and
i don't talk cock.

i'm emo so?

*talk to me people

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